Starting in Lemoyne today folks..
Lemoyne is the starting point for today’s challenges. There are plenty of birds and small game, plus the Cormorants so it’s a great place to start. Let’s get into it…
There is an ambush point on the path by the Kamassa River. The path runs next to Bayall Edge, the boot shaped pond with the Voodoo shack. It’s a fairly reliable spawn, but it only spawn at night. Trigger the ambush then fend it off.
Flying Birds
Head into Bluewater Marsh and Bayou Nwa. There are plenty of birds around this area. If they are not flying above you they are pecking about in the mud. Shoot near them to spook them into the air before shooting them.
Whole Animal Carcasses Sold
The Marshes and the Bayou also have plenty of small game, toads and frogs etc. They count as whole carcasses when sold. So grab a few animals and stow them on your horse. Or just simply get five small game in your satchel and head to the butcher. For the purposes of this challenge, Birds count as animals, but fish don’t.
Next, ride towards the river south of Braithwaite Manor. The riverbank next to the woods where Black Belle is has a reliable cormorant spawn point on it. Head there, ride along the river bank a little until you are above the ‘L’ in Lannahechee on the map. Shoot and skin one to complete the challenge.
Finishing off
Posse Up and photograph one other Posse member then have the leader start a Posse Verses. Then it’s a visit to Brandywine Drop. That will do it for today…
Good Luck out there!