Daily Guide
Starting in Lemoyne today folks..
The Kamassa river is a perfect place for today’s challenges. The section of river between the two covered bridges to the east of Mattock Pond has Oleander Sage, there are Alligators here too sometimes.
There are three patches of Oleander next to the railway bridge. Pick those then hunt for Alligators. Make sure to use your Bow to kill the Alligators and get a couple of kills towards the 10 bow kills. Skin the Alligators for the big game meat then bow hunt your way to a campfire. There is one at Hill Haven Ranch and another at the houses east of the Fence just outside Rhodes.
Once at the campfire, season and cook the big game meat. Enter your satchel and eat any herbs you have on you, or go and forage for some and eat them. Next, ride over to Flatneck Station.
Speak to The Boy and he will give you a mission. Complete the mission then ride to the top of Mount Hagen to finish up for the day.
Good Luck out there!
Quick Guides
1 ALLIGATORS KILLED – Alligators are common in Lemoyne. The waterways and swamps of Bayou NWA and Bluwater Marsh are great locations to check.
10 ANIMALS KILLED WITH A BOW – Equip your bow and hunt animals. Simple as that realy. You need to be level 10 to purchase the Bow.
3 COOKED SEASONED BIG GAME – Big game meat can be got from Cougars, Wolves and the easiest one, Alligators. Head to Lemoyne, Kill a gator, collect that meat, head to a fire, season, bbq yummy nutritious gold!
5 HERBS EATEN – Either eat herbs you find in the world or if you have them already in your satchel you can eat them from there.
5 OLEANDER SAGE PICKED – Oleander Sage grows on the river banks of Bayou NWA in Lemoyne. Try the banks of the Kamassa river if your struggling
1 THE BOY MISSIONS COMPLETED – The Boy is one of the strangers. He can be found at Flatneck Station. Ride up to him, accept and complete the mission he gives you.
VISITED THE PEAK OF MOUNT HAGEN – Climb to the top of Mount Hagen in Grizzlies West, Ambarino.
Madam Nazar And Collector Cycles
Madam Nazar is in Ambarino today. She’s near O’Creagh’s Run in Grizzlies East…
American Wild Flowers: 1,
Tarot Cards: 1,
Jewelry: 1,
Alcohol: 3,
Bird Eggs: 1,
Arrowheads: 1,
Heirlooms: 2,
Coins: 3,
Fossils: 3,