Quick Guide
Starting in Lemoyne today folks..
We are in Lemoyne purely for the visit to Legras. Then it’s Fast Travel to Macfarlane’s ranch to hijack a train. Drive that through New Austin until you have the full distance then hop off and call for your horse. Swap clothes using the horse menu then ride over to Cholla Springs for the Peccaries. Skin one of those and then start some sort of mission. Story, resupply, moonshine or the free roam missions, all are good options. Just make sure that deadeye core is full before you do and use it to take out the NPC’s. Then it’s just the PvP stuff to finish up for the day. Good Luck out there!
CLOTHING STYLE UPDATED – Head to a wardrobe and change your clothes wardrobes can be found in Tailors and the back of general stores. If you have an outfit stored on your horse, then just swapping outfits is the easiest way to get this one.
1 COLLARED PECCARIES SKINNED – Collared Peccaries are native to New Austin. My go to spot is just north of Ridgewood Farm, under ‘Cholla Springs’ on the map
DISTANCE DRIVEN A TRAIN – Find a train, drive it. If you can get a train this is an easy one. The Trolly in Saint Denis won’t work for this one as you can’t drive it. Macfarlane’s Ranch is a good spot to find a train.
5 NON-PLAYER ENEMIES KILLED WHILE IN DEAD EYE – Enemy NPCs can be found in story missions, dynamic events, and resupply missions. Thieves Landing NPCs also count as Non-player enemies. Activate dead eye and kill 5 of them.
PLACE TOP 3 WITH A SCORE IN FREE ROAM EVENTS – Free roam events occur every 45mins. make sure you’re in a free roam lobby when one is due to start to be invited. Join an event, play the objective to score points and try to finish in the top 3. Bit of a time gate on this challenge.
3 PLAYER KILLS WITH A RIFLE IN SHOWDOWNS- Make sure you have your rifle equipped before you join a Showdown match and then use it to kill 3 players. You will have to be in the lobby before the match starts for the kills to count
VISITED LAGRAS – Lagras is in Lemoyne, North of Saint Denis. Simply head to the area and get that easy gold!
Madam Nazar And Collector Cycles
Madam Nazar is in West Elizabeth today. On the border between Tall Trees and Great Plains…
- American Wild Flowers: 5,
- Tarot Cards: 1,
- Jewelry: 3,
- Alcohol: 5,
- Bird Eggs: 6,
- Arrowheads: 6,
- Heirlooms: 3,
- Coins: 5,
- Fossils: 2
*Note:- The Naturalist Summer Update is now live. This update has changed the collector role read about it here -> Naturalist Update Changes