Monday 20 December Daily Challenges
Daily GuideStarting in New Hanover today folks..We’ll start in Valentine for the challenges today. We can visit the shop to swap clothes then headout hunting. Let's get into it…Clothes and…
Daily GuideStarting in New Hanover today folks..We’ll start in Valentine for the challenges today. We can visit the shop to swap clothes then headout hunting. Let's get into it…Clothes and…
Daily GuideStarting in West Elizabeth today folks..We’ll start in Blackwater for the challenges today. We can drink some coffee then pick the poppies before heading to find a train to…
Daily GuideStarting anywhere today folks..We can start anywhere for the challenges today. It's only the Largemouth Bass that are location specific. Let's get into it…Largemouth BassLargemouth Bass can be found…
Daily GuideStarting in West Elizabeth today folks..We’ll start at Manzanita Post for the challenges today. We can visit Gus, hunt rats and toads then get the English Mace. Let's get…
Daily GuideStarting in New Austin today folks..We’ll start in Tumbleweed for the challenges today. We can visit the Gunsmith, then go into the desert to hunt and pick Thyme. Let's…
Daily GuideStarting anywhere today folks..We can start anywhere today. There are no location specific challenges. So just enjoy the snow and hunt some birds.That’ll do it for today…Good Luck out…
Daily GuideStarting in West Elizabeth today folks..We’ll start at Manzanita Post for the challenges today. We can pick the hummingbird sage, head to Blackwater then fish and hunt.. Let's get…
Daily GuideStarting in West Elizabeth today folks..We’ll start at Manzanita Post for the challenges today. We can hunt the cougars, go fishing then get drunk before looking for a train.…
Daily GuideStarting in Lemoyne today folks..We’ll start in Saint Denis for the challenges today. We can lead our horse to the Drs and sell some herbs then go hunt Pelicans.…
Daily GuideStarting in Lemoyne today folks..We’ll start in Lagras for the challenges today. We can get the chickens and the Pickerels here. Let's get into it…ChickensLagras is the Fast Travel…